Feedback and testimonials

So you’ve read the book now what?
I hope you’ve enjoyed reading some of my titles, especially my latest novel, Of Boys and Boats. While most of it is based on my own childhood adventures, I have to confess I never fired a shanghai loaded with a dog turd, or ever peed on a girl’s leg!
Medusa Stone and Golden Scarab were great fun to write although I did become quite nervous when Hannah and Jake were on their various adventures! It was a lot of fun devising ways to make their lives challenging by throwing up all sorts of unexpected twists and turns.
If you have enjoyed the Hopscotch books, or Delilah’s Dream and Edge of the World, or my latest offering, Of Boys and Boats, I’d love to hear from you. Maybe you have some questions to ask about being a writer. Please don’t hesitate to drop me a line by filling in the form below. (I promise I WILL reply!).
Some Reviews of Of Boys and Boats
“It is very hard to put this book down. So much like my childhood.” Jennifer
“This book is a beautiful story of friendship … a truly enjoyable book … full of adventure.” Michelle, Lamont Books
“What a joy this book is! It is adventurous, exuberant and optimistic. Loved it so much.” George Ivanoff, Melbourne author
“A great read!” Rhonda
“A really engaging adventure.” Bernadette
Some reviews of Edge of the World:
Shaun Tan, Margaret Wild, and Chris Van Alsberg are some of the masters of sophisticated picture books. Their stories are told through both words and pictures and they make us think and question. Edge of the World is a stunning new sophisticated picture book by Ian Trevaskis and illustrated by Wayne Harris, about grief and the power of art to heal wounds.
Edge of the World is a magical story full of colour and hope. Ian Trevaskis’ writing style is very descriptive and paints a picture for the reader, even without Wayne Harris’ illustrations. You can sense the sadness of the village and it’s inhabitants from the opening lines, but the tone lightens as more colour gets introduced to the village. Wayne Harris‘ illustrations are absolutely beautiful and it’s hard to believe that they were created digitally. Wayne’s use of colour is very important to the story and he has shown this in the change in colour palette throughout the story. In the beginning the colours are very muted and dull, but they get progressively brighter as the mood of Toby and the villagers change. I’ve read this book at least 5 times so far and have got something new from each reading and viewing of the story 4 out of 5 stars.
(“My Best friends Are Books” February 27th 2012)
Edge of the World by Ian Trevaskis, illustrated by Wayne Harris (Walker Books)
Reviewed by Emma Cameron
Early pages end with the refrain ‘nobody smiled in the village near the edge of the world’, drawing readers into a life where the sea’s danger is ever present and means wives and children spend weeks hoping the fishermen will return. One morning Toby takes his boat out alone. When he hauls in his net he finds a tiny pot with the word Giallo on it. At home, under lantern light, he removes the lid, dips in his finger, and views a splotch of yellow paint on it.
Wayne Harris, illustrator of many award winning books, skillfully blends light and colour into this work to show the gradual process of healing in both Toby and the town. His pictures, and Trevaskis’ breathtaking text, show how time, light and small sprigs of joy can gradually remove the darkness of tragedy and help people to heal. The meaningful and detailed pictures combine with the author’s poetic use of language to create atmosphere and instil emotion in readers. This gentle tale is a privilege to read over and again.
(‘Buzz Words Books’ March 2012)
This is what some readers have written about the Hopscotch books:
“I have finished it!!!!!!!!!! I’d give it a 9/10! It would be in my top five fave books I’ve read.”
(Zac, aged 11)
“My name is Harrison and I am 12 years old. I am your biggest fan and have just read your book, Medusa Stone and it has enthralled me and makes me want to read on and on. You’re my favourite author and I’d really like to meet you.”
(Harrison, aged 12)
“I sent your book to my nephew’s son for his 13th birthday and my nephew has told me his son can’t put it down. He sits in front of the TV reading and not watching TV.“
“Bought your book for W’s grandson. Guess I’m not your target audience but I started reading it over lunch, now I’m up to page 83, will she ever find Jake? Gotta get back to it…”
Marie (an adult reader)
A Testimonial from one of my Creative Writing classes at the Albury Library:
“Your work and effort have given my girls a great start in learning, with their improving progress on their writing. I am so pleased, Thanks!” Angeline (parent)